Thursday, May 17, 2012


ryan and i! the most current photo i have
Reading: i'm sort of reading the drowned cities by paolo bacigalupi. i finished ship breaker a few months ago, and i didn't really like it. which was a bummer since it had been recommended to me based on other books that i've read and have loved. but oh well! i can't like every book i read! so, i didn't like ship breaker, but there was one character in it that i connected with. and the drowned cities is a companion novel to ship breaker that follows the story of that one character. so i'm kind of reading it, but it hasn't really hooked me in yet. we'll see how it goes!

Watching: last night i watched john carter with my friends ryan and michael. waste of time! but we had nothing else to do really. ryan ended up sitting there with his sunglasses on or reading his phone (haha! dork!) and michael kept imitating the character's accents (again, dorks!!). but i had fun hanging out with them!!

Thinking about: how short and fragile life is. a girl from my high school passed away this morning. she had had kidney problems and my high school pastor who is now my college group pastor had donated his kidney to her a few years ago. sadly, she went into cardiac arrest last night and couldn't be revived. but now she is in the arms of her savior and is in no more pain. my heart hurts for her family and friends, but i'm so happy that they know the Lord and that their hope and peace are found in Him. two verses keep coming to mind. psalm 139:16: "your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." so it was no surprise to God that today was her day to go home to be with Him. the other verse i keep thinking of is psalm 144:4, "man is like a breath; his days are like a passing shadow." her passing really was a wake up call to me to remind me again just how short and fragile life is and how important it is to live full out for the Lord.

Loving: my new saltwater sandals. i've wanted them for over a year now! and i'm happy to say that i now own two pairs. haha! michael called them jesus sandals. but i still like them! plus, if jesus would wear them then that's a good thing, right??

Anticipating:  romania. not counting today, i leave in 33 days? somewhere around there. and that's really soon. really really soon. 

Listening to: nothing at the moment. i'm in the library at school. and i don't have headphones with me. bummer! but i was listening to lady antebellum this morning while i was driving to school. that's about as much country as i can handle. yeah, country music and i are not friends. and we never will be. but it's okay though, we're both fine with that ;)

Eating: i'm drinking a chai tea latte right now. kind of. well, i mean, i did buy one a little bit ago. but now it's just staring at me. i'll probably give the rest to my sister. but you know what i wish i was eating? peas. i love peas.

Feeling thankful for: my friends. i love them! and i'm also really thankful to have the house to myself this week (besides the fact that natalie is there too). i mean, i of course would not want my parents to be gone forever but having some time to myself has been so nice!

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