so my trip to romania is quickly approaching (
it's a little less than 6 weeks away!). and i cannot believe it is already here and soon i'll be there. i don't remember if i talked about any of my fears concerning the trip on here, but i have been freaking out a little about the thought of staying in romania for 7 weeks. it was getting to a point where i would have little mini panic attacks when i thought or prayed about the trip. my fears were always about me. i would tell God that i was scared of being there for 7 weeks. scared i would freak out and want to come home. scared i wouldn't get along well with the other team members. scared that i would go crazy being around my friends for so long with no breaks. scared i wouldn't have any time for myself. scared that i was only going to romania because i wanted to go and that the Lord hadn't really called me there. these fears were taking over any of my thoughts towards the trip and i started to have a negative outlook on the whole thing. and then God told me to stop (
in a kind and loving way of course :). He reminded me that He was going to use me and that all my fears and concerns were selfish. they were all about me and my comfort. and i am so glad that He reminded me that this trip was not in any way about me. it's all about Him and what He wants to accomplish there through myself and the team.
last saturday, we had a breakfast for all the girls going on the trip. and one of the girls made everyone cards and each person got a specific verse. mine was so perfect. i know God put it on her heart to give to me. God is so sweet like that! my verse was,
Deuteronomy 31:6: "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you."

it was amazing reading this verse on my card! i wanted to cry! i'm so happy to know that God knows all about my fears and that He promises that He will be with me and take care of me. i just love Him :)
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