so, did i mention that natalie and i love phillip phillips? oh i didn't? well, now you know!
you're in love with him too now, huh? |
dude, he's so amazing. and, we just love him. we knew our love for him was meant to be as soon as we heard that his name was phillip phillips. natalie and i love when people have first names as their last names. some examples include: matthew christopher, luke bryan, bob dylan, cara lucas, or bob branden daniel. we wish our last name was really paul instead of paulk. cuz then we'd have a first name as our last name. bahaha. our first name as last name obsession started way back when
jon peter lewis was on american idol.
he was so cute!!! |
yeah, jpl was super cute. the one week i didn't vote for him, he went home. i'm not even joking! it was personally my fault that he went home. i'm sorry jon peter lewis!
in other news, i'm pretty sure i gave myself a bladder infection today. because i drank 1.5 liters of water and then held my pee for over an hour. and then i couldn't even walk to the toilet cuz it hurt so bad. yeah, i'm an idiot! hello!
and natalie is embarrassed that i post this stuff. and i'll probably get embarrassed about it later. but oh well!