Tuesday, November 29, 2011

missing hungary

charee, me*, natalie, jessica
what else is new? i miss Hungary every single day. i miss my friends there and i miss the long days and long nights that i spent there two summers ago. i wish i could go back! i'm praying that i can.

it's funny, because i was talking to my mom one night and i asked her to pray for me and for what i should do next summer. well, more importantly, what God wanted me to do next summer. i wasn't sure if that meant trying to get an accounting internship or going on a mission trip. i was hoping that God was going with mission trip :) {side note: i love going on mission trips and serving. and last year i was praying hard that i could go to romania! God had different plans though (i had the privilege of going to haiti). and romania wasn't even in the works yet (haha! God must have been laughing a little at me jumping ahead of Him about romania! silly silly).} so literally, as soon as i hung up with my mom, i got on the phone with my friend ryan. and what does he tell me? oh that we might be going to romania for a few weeks in the summer on a mission trip. excuseeee me?! seriously!? and i had just spoken to my mom about this? but i was torn. because lately, i have been feeling like the best thing to do is get an internship. i'm planning on graduating in about a year, and i need to prepare for that.

so, i just don't know what to do. i mean, obviously God is going to give me peace about what i should do and what i am called to do. and i know my heart wants to go back to hungary so badly... but sometimes God asks us to do other things. things that we didn't think were ideal or what we wanted- but God knows whats best! it's the biggest lesson He has ever taught me. how to deny myself daily and just follow Him. to trust Him with all of my heart.

Mark 8:34* "When He had called the people to Himself, with His disciples also, He said to them, “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me."

i'm excited to see what God has in store for next summer! praying and looking to Him for guidance! love you God!!

Friday, November 25, 2011


christmas card?- heather and i
happy black friday!! this morning i went shopping with four of my girlfriends. it's becoming a thanksgiving holiday tradition for us! they came over to my house around 10 pm then we hit the shops from 12-6 am! it's funny because i used to always think that people who shopped on black friday were crazy and now i'm one of them! haha!

yesterday was wonderful. i spent the whole day with my family and a few relatives on my dad's side of the family. it was my cousin nicole's 32nd birthday too! i'm glad that we got to spend time with her on her birthday as well!

here is a list of a few things i am thankful for (so i can remember whenever i look back on here! :)

{i'm forever grateful and thankful for my loving savior, Jesus Christ. it's something i try to remember and thank God for every day. i'm so happy that God loves me and has saved me! and i am so thankful for my relationship with Him.

{natalie: i'm extremely thankful for my sister and best friend natalie. words can't describe how much i love this girl! yay for sisters!

{i'm really blessed to have a place to call home. living in orange county has been comfortable and pleasant and very easy. i am very grateful for all that is provided for me by my parents and this includes our home. i have a place to lay my head at night and stay warm. and that's a lot more than a lot of people can say.

{my girlfriends! i'm sooooososososo thankful for all my wonderful and amazing friends. they all glow and love the Lord so much! i couldn't have asked for better friendships.

{my family and their commitment to the Lord. i'm thankful that they love God so much and have raised me in such a way that honors the Lord.

{i'm thankful for chai tea lattes and ice cream. i know these two are silly, but i love chais and ice cream. thank you God for taste buds and the extra cash i have to spend on these items when i like!

Psalm 100: 4-5: "Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations."

Thursday, November 24, 2011

TTI: borders

sandy and casey are silly
TTI: this is the story of the time natalie and i went to borders (sad day because they are all out of business now!!). seriously, we had the best time. we tried taking videos of each other dancing down the aisles and just being silly. we even saw our pastor's wife there and definitely giggled about it for a long time. i think people got annoyed at how loud we were being. natalie is my best friend! God blessed me so much with her as my sister! i guess now natalie and i will have to hang out at barnes & noble.... we'll see about that though. these pictures were taken at the beginning of summer and they make me smile!
cute outfit natakie!

cute sister bear!

i love whipped cream
